Kilométrico Boomer
How many doors had I open and closed? How often had I sneezed?
jueves, enero 03, 2008
Año nuevo, tonterías nuevas
[...] but after a while my mind began to wander, and eventually I fell into one of those long, pointless meditations that only seem to occur when you're driving alone in a car. In this case, if I remember correctly, it had to do with quantifying the ephemeral acts of daily life. How much time had I spent in the past forty years lacing up my shoes? How many doors had I opened and closed? How often had I sneezed? How many hours had I lost looking for objects I couldn't find? How many times had I stubbed my toe or banged my head or blinked away something that had crept into my eye? I found it to be a rather pleasant exercise, and I kept adding to the list as I sloshed my way through the darkness.

Paul Auster, The book of illusions.
Blogger my blue eye said...
Veo que estás con los cambios de año nuevo. Para que luego digan que nos los tomamos de coña, je.

Un abrazo, guapa.